There’s no age limit on beauty, and there’s certainly no age limit on boudoir! I love shooting women in every stage of life, whether it’s a young woman shooting her bridal boudoir photos or a woman who’s experienced so many of the things that life has to offer. After all, you know what they say: women are like fine wine, they get better with age!
Mrs. P is certainly no expectation. She’s a stunning woman, though that’s not to say that she hasn’t struggled with insecurities throughout her life: “No one gets to design themselves, but what we can do is make the best of what we have. And I know I do my absolute best to make the most of everything in my life – physically, mentally and spiritually – so I feel really good about that, and any confidence I may have comes from that. Celebrating myself through this photo shoot, I would say, is part of all that. It’s like saying, ‘Okay, this is what I had to work with at this particular moment in time.’ And seeing it, I feel quite proud!”
What one piece of advice would she offer someone who is thinking about booking a boudoir session for themselves but hasn’t gone for it yet? “Don’t worry about getting yourself ‘right”…the right weight, the right level of fitness, the right mindset, the right this, the right that. Capture and celebrate your inner goddess exactly where she’s at. She’s in there all the time.”
I couldn’t have said it better myself!
Do you know a woman over 40 that deserves to unleash their inner goddess? Use the contact form below to learn how!